Getting Here

Our farm is situated in the Southern Pantanal, near to Campo Grande (Mato Grosso do Sul state), on the Rio Negro ("Black River"). 

We recommend that you fly into Campo Grande International Airport, which is accessed several times daily by domestic flights from all major cities of Brazil, and then take more localized transportation to our lodge. We are happy to help you with organizing this transfer.

Depending on the season there are different ways of getting to us. During the wetter months the only mode of transport is by plane. 4x4 transfer available also during the dry season.

What may look like a detailed road on Google Maps, is not. This journey involves large amounts of off-roading, mud, and lakes - being transferred by road is an adventure in itself!

Transfer options to us;

  1. Driving (from June until November) in a 4x4 pickup from Campo Grande (6 hours' drive minimum) 
  2. Driving from Campo Grande to Aquidauana (all year round, asphalt road, beautiful scenery, 1.5 hours' drive) and then flying with a Cessna from Aquidauana to the farm ("air taxi", 30 minutes flight) *Price available from transfer companies.
  3. Flying (all year round) with a Cessna from Campo Grande ("air taxi", 1 hour flight)  *Price available from transfer companies.


ATT (flights direct from Campo Grande or Aquidauana) 

Rua Dinarte Antunes Moreira Nº 71, União II, CEP 79091-521 (+55) 067- 9982-6156 


One of the most scenic flights you will experience

4x4 drivers

Geovah (Vavá)

(+55) 067 9984 9973


Rua Dinarte Antunes Moreira Nº 71, União II, CEP 79091-521. (+55) 067- 9982-6156