Hudsonian Godwit

Today we had another first sighting: a Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica, maçarico-de-bico-virado). The bird was seen in the Salina Mara (location) amongst thousands of stilts and sandpipers. Their breeding habitat is the far north near the tree line in northwestern Canada and Alaska, also on the shores of Hudson Bay, hence the name. Both parents look after the young birds, who find their own food and are able to fly down to Brazil (more than 9'000 Km) within a month of hatching.
These birds forage by probing in shallow water like the many salinas on Fazenda Barranco Alto. They mainly eat insects and crustaceans.

Text adapted from Wikipedia.

Mixed flock, photo by Paulo.

Hudsonian Godwit and lesser-yellowlegs, photo by Paulo.